NBC Heroes

NBC Heroes


"Save The Cheerleader, Save The World!" (Forge/Fabric)


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Inspired by the television series of the same name (You should go watch it!), this addon provides the player with the means to obtain a unique superhuman ability (Some custom and some straight from the source material). For both Forge and Fabric (Runs on Palladium!)

IMPORANT: Set graphics to fast to avoid getting a black screen after overloading concentration!

Install Trinkets to equip the katana sheath!

There are two main ways to obtain an ability:

1. When you join a world for the first time there's a 40% chance that you'll be given the potential to manifest a random ability. This ability will appear the next time that there's a new moon (You'll get a message in chat and it will become usable the following morning).

2. It's possible to gain an ability through the injection of a concoction referred to only as The Formula. This substance is capable of granting a person a completely artificial ability that behaves no differently than a natural one. There are however two variants of the formula which are available for use: Catalyzed and Uncatalyzed. If an individual is exposed to the uncatalyzed formula they'll still manifest an ability, but they'll also be privy to side effects due to it not having been properly stabilized.

And also if you happen to manifest an ability naturally you'll get this really cool achievement, it's called [Superior Being]. Means you're built different.

Note: It's only possible to manifest one ability! In order to get a new ability from the formula, you'll have to somehow lose your old one.

List of obtainable abilities:



Kitsune Mimicry

Space-Time Manipulation

Rapid Cellular Regeneration

Empathic Mimicry

Intuitive Aptitude

Ability Absorption

Ability Transferal

Super Speed

Parallel Processing

Ability Replication



Induced Muscle Expansion

Geokinetic Armor

Cryokinetic Armory


Pocket Reality Realization

Ocular Psychogenesis

Danger Sense

The Catalyst

Simple Abilities:

Water Walking, Water Breathing, Chromatic Synthesis, Gold Mimicry, Luminescence, Suffocation Immunity, Night Vision, Wall Crawling, Age Shifting, String Creation, Attraction of Small Objects, Bone Claws

Ability FAQ:


Q: How do I change the color of my kitsune mimicry?
A: /scoreboard players set @s Heroes.Kitsune_Mimicry.Color 1-20

Q: So what exactly does Parallel Processing do?
A: It gives you a 5 times XP multiplier and two free concentration points.

Q: How do I increase the size of my pocket reality?
A: Your pocket reality dimension will grow in size as your stamina increases.

Q: How do I use Geokinetic Armor?
A: It pulls from stone types among those in range of you, but also those in your inventory. The stone is not consumed upon activation.

Q: Stockpile is difficult to cultivate. I want to skip all that hard work!

/scoreboard players set @s Heroes.Stockpile.Tolerance.Body 1000000

/scoreboard players set @s Heroes.Stockpile.Tolerance.Arms 1000000

/scoreboard players set @s Heroes.Stockpile.Tolerance.Fingers 1000000

/scoreboard players set @s Heroes.Stockpile.Tolerance.Legs 1000000

/scoreboard players set @s Heroes.Stockpile.True.Energy 10000000

Q: How do I improve Ocular Psychogenesis?
A: The longer you have an eye turned on, the more you master its power. Only after the eye changes appearance can you buy the next upgrade in the skill tree.

Q: How do I use the catalyst to catalyze the formula?
A: Craft the catalyst and inject it like you would the formula. This will give you the [catalyst], a transferable ability that lets you stabilize the formula, as well as increasing your max health. Use the active ability on up to 3 formula vials at once or a injector containing the uncatalyzed formula in order to catalyze the substance (Doing this permanently reduces your max stamina by 20, but you can train it back up). You'll know it worked if you get a message in chat.

Q: What are the commands to change my variant of flight? How do I make it faster?
A: /scoreboard players set @s Heroes.Levitation.Speed.Base [1-10]

Q: How do Empathic Mimicry and Intuitive Aptitude handle ability variants?
A: In the case of flight, whenever you absorb a faster version it replaces any previous variant you had. Bone claws remains the first variant you acquired regardless, as they are all functionally identical, any differences are just aesthetic.

Q: So my bone claws broke, what's up with that?
A: Bone claws can break if overused, but they'll grow back over time. Drinking milk can speed up this process.

Q: How do I coordinate teleport with space-time manipulation?
A: /spatialtravel [x] [y] [z]

Q: How do I skip the mastery stages for Ocular Psychogenesis?
A: /scoreboard players set @s Heroes.Ocular_Psychogenesis_Control.Used.Timer 1000000

/scoreboard players set @s Heroes.Ocular_Psychogenesis_Emission.Used.Timer 1000000

Q: How does Replication work?
A: Replication allows you to copy the abilities of others and use them as your own, and if you have more than one slot, you can use the button that pops up when you activate it on someone to switch which slot you're putting their ability in. Use the scroll wheel to select from their powers, and right click to choose. With the newest update, Replication has become what it was always intended to be. A weakened Empathic Mimicry. If you have more than one ability slot, you'll only be able to acccess to the currently selected ability, rather than being able to use them all at once.

Q: Is there a command to change how many replication slots I have?
A: /scoreboard players set @s Heroes.Replication.Slots.True [1-5]

Q: How does Empathic Mimicry work?
A: Empathic Mimicry allows the user to passively mimic the abilities of other nearby individuals. They can learn to recall these abilities at a later time as they develop their powers. Advanced recall allows the user to use 3 abilities without any strain before they start needing concentration points per ability manifested again. While Empathic Mimicry is worth 40 genetic stability, its absorbed and recalled abilities don't actually strain the users genetics in any way. The only things they will ever burden is stamina and concentration.

Q: What are the downsides of using Absorption and Transferal?
A: While absorbing abilities with ability absorption technically has no downsides for the user, you do have to meet two conditions in order to use it. Firstly, the target player can't have more than 50% more max stamina compared to you. So if you have 100 max stamina and they have 151, you'll be unable to absorb their abilities unless they allow you to do so with the command toggle. In addition to this, absorption requires 3 seconds of continuous activation on a target in order to usurp their powers for your own.

Transferal has no cooldown or time requirement, but it down have a major downside. Pulling an ability out of yourself so it can be placed into another person is a very taxing experience, and doing so permanently removes 5% of your maximum stamina. We recommend thinking carefully before manipulating the abilities of others.

Genetic Stability:


Genetic Stability is your bodies current capacity for superhuman abilities. Everyone starts at 100% stability (Effectively 100 stability) and can check their current stability with a Genetic Stability Tester. This also has the added bonus of telling you what abilities you have, if you possess any, and can also be used to test if someone has a dormant ability (But not to test what it is).

Each power in the addon has been given a value that it either subtracts or adds from your genetic stability, though most abilities are only going to subtract from your maximum. The list is as follow.

Ability Replication [-5] (Currently active powers stability is still accounted for at 1.25x)
Ability Absorption [-5] (Gives 2x tolerance for real abilities [Stacks with Transferal])
Ability Transferal [-5] (Give 1.5x tolerance for real abilities [Stacks with Absorption])
Ability Interplay [-10] (Totals to 3.5x tolerance with both the properties of Transferal and Absorption)
Night Vision [-5]
Water Walking [-5]
Luminescent [-5]
Geokinetic Armor [-20]
Biokinesis [-30]
Plasma Manipulation [-20]
Rapid Cellular Regeneration [-30]
Augmented Movement Potential [-15]
Muscle Inducement [-15]
Parallel Processing [-5]
Levitation [-15]
String Generation [-5]
Water Breathing [-5]
Suffocation Immunity [-5]
Attraction of Small Objects [-5]
Wall Climbing [-5]
Bone Protrusion [-5]
Pyrokinesis [-20]
Cryokinetic Armoury [-15]
Empathic Mimicry [-40] (Copied abilities incur no additional stability cost)
Intuitive Aptitude [-5] (Reduces the burden of all other abilities taken with intuitive by 4 times)
Age Shifting [-5]
Chromatic Synthesis [-5]
Gold Mimicry [-5]
Kitsune Mimicry [-30]
Space-Time Manipulation [-30]
Stockpile (Takes 1-25 stability based on how much energy is inside. This can not be mitigated by any means, including Empathic Mimicry.)
Pocket Reality [-15]
Danger Sense [-10]
Ocular Psychogenesis Control [-15]
Ocular Psychogenesis Emission [-15] (Copied ability incurs no additional stability cost)
Regenerative Segmentation [-40]
Super Strength [-15]
Clairvoyance [-10]
Spatial Armaments [-10]
The Catalyst [+10]

Downsides of being beneath 60 stability:

Every 10% you are under 60% you lose access to 1 concentration point.
You also lose health, speed, and strength the closer to 0% stability you are. If you were to hit 0%, you wouldn't deal damage, you'd have no health, and you would become unable to move.

Taking a strange pill completely nullifies the affects of having low stability (Obviously at the cost of supressing your powers).

New Moons:


If you've seen Heroes, you know that super powers are somehow linked to solar eclipses, emerging and fading during these events. Since there are no solar eclipses in Minecraft, we've settled for lunar eclipses! (New Moons)

Every time there is a new moon, anyone with the potential for an ability will manifest it for the first time, but also, those who have an ability will find themselves unable to use it until the night ends. This means that every 7 days, players with powers will find themselves just as vulnerable as anyone else until the break of dawn.

(Note: If you'd rather not wait until a new moon, do /tag @s add Heroes.Enabled to immediately awaken any dormant powers you might have.)

Side Effects:


A player who's awakened their power naturally after exposure to a new moon will never have to deal with these.

If you've obtained your ability through the uncatalyzed formula, you're going to manifest two distinct side effects, one mild, and one major (There will be a third side effect type added at a later date).
Rest assured they're almost certainly going to be something you want to avoid (Trust me bro), so remember to catalyze the formula before you inject it!

If this warning falls on deaf ears and you become uncatalyzed, the only cure is to be injected with the catalyzed formula!

Stamina and Concentration:


When a player has an ability, they'll suddenly find this at the top left of their screen:

Player Interface

Suppression: The large black orb with light coming from it signifies whether you can currently access your powers. If there's no light, they're currently being suppressed by something, usually a new moon.

Stamina: The multicolor helix represents the players current stamina, which is drained when using most powers. If you run out of stamina, you'll be unable to regenerate it for a short period and experience a 60% decrease to movement speed until you recover. To increase your stamina, simply use it (Running and being active also trains it, but this is slow). It'll improve over time, though this has a soft cap. Stamina will not recover if you're too hungry. (Commands: /scoreboard players set @s Heroes.Stamina.Max 50000, /scoreboard players set @s Heroes.Stamina 50000(These can break if set any higher))

Concentration: Beneath the stamina bar you'll find some black circles, which become filled whenever you're using most active powers. This represents the mental strain of super powers. Most active abilities from powers take at least one concentration point to maintain, but some can take more. The more concentration points you have, the more of your abilities that you can exercise at once. To gain more points, simply use your concentration. You can unlock up to two additional points for a base maximum of three. There are also some powers which naturally grant concentration points. Trying to use more concentration points than are currently available will temporarily short out your powers, keeping you from using them for a few seconds and blurring your vision until you recover.(Commands: /scoreboard players set @s Heroes.Concentration.Max.Base (1-3)


                       Compound ALX

Compound ALX Recipe

Compound ALX can be crafted with a vial and the result cooked in a blast furnace to produce the uncatalyzed formula.


Injection Recipe

                          Catalyst Vial


Q: How do I use the catalyst / formula?

A: Put the vial in your offhand and an injector in your main hand before hold shift right-clicking.

Q: How do I level up my powers?

A: As of right now they use vanilla XP (This will be changed in a future update).

Q: Are there any commands in this addon?

A: Yes! /Heroes can be used to give and take powers to any player.
    Outline: /Heroes [Player] [Power] [1/0] (1 gives / 0 removes)
    Example: /Heroes Notch String_Generation 1
After giving yourself a power, do /tag @s add Heroes.Enabled to awaken it.


Licensed ARR
Published 8 months ago
Updated 3 months ago