Temporal API

Temporal API


Temporal API is the library for Team Temporal mods, other projects may use it as well.

Client and server Library

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Temporal API is the official library for the Team Temporal mods other projects and modders and modpack creators may use it for their projects as much as they like.

The main goal of this mod is to make creating mods easier and more flexible!

For working with our library you need to go to build.gradle and add this:

repositories {
    maven {
        url "https://cursemaven.com"

dependencies {
    implementation fg.deobf("curse.maven:temporalapi-970291:<file-id>")

You need to replace <file id> with file id that can be found in the end of link of needed version of the mod file.

The library for current state adds

factories, tag utils, creative tab utils, trading with villagers and wanderers customizer, world features utils, item properties utils, fov modifier etc Factory and Extensions Factories are used to create RegistryObject objects and make their creation a lot easier.

For using ItemFactory from API you need to create ItemFactoryFacade class like here:

public class ModItemFactoryFacade extends ItemFactory {
    public ModItemFactoryFacade() {

Also you can extend your Factory Facade with Extensions from API or create your own Extension.

Here are 2 examples of using SwordExtension (with this Extension creating of Sword becomes a lot easier):

Like this:

public class ModItemFactoryFacade extends ItemFactory implements SwordExtension {
    public ModItemFactoryFacade() {

Or like this:

public class ModItemFactoryFacade extends ItemFactory implements SwordExtension {
    public ModItemFactoryFacade() {

    public RegistryObject<SwordItem> createSword(String name, Object... args) {
        return SwordExtension.super.createSword(name, this, args);

    public RegistryObject<? extends SwordItem> createSword(String name, Supplier<? extends SwordItem> tTypedSupplier) {
        return SwordExtension.super.createSword(name, this, tTypedSupplier);

So what about creating our object using this Facade class:

public class ModItems {
    public static final DeferredRegister<Item> ITEMS = DeferredRegister.create(Registries.ITEM, "MOD_ID");
    public static final ModItemFactoryFacade ITEM_FACTORY = new ModItemFactoryFacade();

    public static final RegistryObject<Item> MY_ITEM_1 = ITEM_FACTORY.create("my_item_1");
    public static final RegistryObject<Item> MY_ITEM_2 = ITEM_FACTORY.create("my_item_2", new Item.Properties());
    public static final RegistryObject<Item> MY_ITEM_3 = ITEM_FACTORY.create("my_item_3", () -> new Item(new Item.Properties()));

    //First example of creating Facade object from up
    public static final RegistryObject<SwordItem> MY_SWORD_1 = ITEM_FACTORY.createSword("my_sword_1", ITEM_FACTORY, Tiers.STONE, 3, -2.4F);
    public static final RegistryObject<? extends SwordItem> MY_SWORD_2 = ITEM_FACTORY.createSword("my_sword_2", ITEM_FACTORY, () -> new SwordItem(Tiers.STONE, 3, -2.4F, new Item.Properties()));

    //Second example of creating Facade object from up
    public static final RegistryObject<SwordItem> MY_SWORD_3 = ITEM_FACTORY.createSword("my_sword_3", Tiers.STONE, 3, -2.4F);
    public static final RegistryObject<? extends SwordItem> MY_SWORD_4 = ITEM_FACTORY.createSword("my_sword_4", () -> new SwordItem(Tiers.STONE, 3, -2.4F, new Item.Properties()));

Now lets's look on args... array. It is an array of arguments for creating an object (Will be changed in future for better readability).

Currently available Factories and extensions:

ItemFactory (ArrowExtension, BowExtension, BowlExtension, MusicDiscExtension, SmithingTemplateExtension, SwordExtension, AxeExtension, PickaxeExtension, ShovelExtension, HoeExtension)
BlockFactory (BushExtension, FlowerExtension, PottedFlowerExtension)
Tag Utils
Tag utils focus on tag creating and making using tags easier.

For example if you want to create item tag you need to use ItemTagFactory:

public class MyItemTags {
    public static final TagFactory<Item> TAG_FACTORY = new ItemTagFactory("MY_MOD_ID");

    public static final TagKey<Item> MY_TAG = TAG_FACTORY.createTag("my_tag");
Creative Tab Utils
Creative tab utils are used to add items to Creative Tab that you need.

Firstly we need to go to our class that subscribed for mod events and add this function (inner part of method is just example):

public void addCreativeTabs(BuildCreativeModeTabContentsEvent event) {
    new SimpleTabAdder(event)
            .addAllToTab(CreativeModeTabs.INGREDIENTS, ModItems.MY_ITEM_1, ModItems.MY_ITEM_2, ModItems.MY_ITEM_3)
            .addAllToTab(CreativeModeTabs.COMBAT, ModItems.MY_SWORD_1, ModItems.MY_SWORD_2, ModItems.MY_SWORD_3);

Trading with Villagers and Wanderers Utils TemporalAPI makes trading a lot easier. Here is an example of it:

public static final TradeCustomizer tradeCustomizer = new SimpleTradeCustomizer();

public void customizeTradesWithVillagers(VillagerTradesEvent event) {
    tradeCustomizer.customize(event, new VillagerTrade(
            new TradingItemHolder(Items.ANDESITE, 2),
            new TradingItemHolder(Items.EMERALD, 3),
            new VillagerTradeDescription(
                    VillagerProfession.ARMORER, 1, 5, 5, 0.5f

public void customizeTradesWithWanderers(WandererTradesEvent event) {
    tradeCustomizer.customize(event, new WandererTrade(
            new TradingItemHolder(Items.ANDESITE, 2),
            new TradingItemHolder(Items.EMERALD, 3),
            new WandererTradeDescription(
                    WandererTradeDescription.TradeRarity.RARE, 5, 5, 0.5f

World Features Utils Will be expanded in the next updates.

Item Properties Utils Adding needed properties to bows, shields, etc.

public void clientSetup(final FMLClientSetupEvent event) {
    event.enqueueWork(() -> {
        TemporalItemProperties.putCompostable(ModBlocks.MY_FLOWER_1, 4);


Will This Mod Be Getting A Fabric Version: No a fabric version is not planned

Can I use this mod in my Modpacks: Yes, feel free to use this mod in any modpack!

How Do I suggest features or report Bugs: Join our discord above for any comments, questions, suggestions, or problems!

Project members




Licensed ARR
Published 7 months ago
Updated 3 months ago