Tinkers' Construct

Tinkers' Construct


Tinker a little, modify all the tools, build a smeltery, then tinker a little more. The classic modular tool mod.

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This will most likely be the last release for 1.18.2 barring any significant bugs discovered. It contains a ton of bug fixes and minor features backported from the 1.19.2 branch.

For a full changelog, see https://github.com/SlimeKnights/TinkersConstruct/releases/tag/

Contains many bug fixes along with smaller new features. Should be a much more stable release than the previous 1.19.2 build.

For a full changelog, see https://github.com/SlimeKnights/TinkersConstruct/releases/tag/v3.8.4.50

First Beta release for 1.19.2. API should not break after this point, if it does feel free to open a bug report. This means it is fully safe for addons to update.

There may still be balance changes in future builds, want to finalize a couple things before marking this as release.

Full changelog: https://github.com/SlimeKnights/TinkersConstruct/releases/tag/v3.8.3.39

Hopefully should be the last major API changes. Marking this as an alpha mostly as it needs more testing, but addons should have a lot less risk of breaking when porting to the API from this alpha.

Changelog: https://github.com/SlimeKnights/TinkersConstruct/releases/tag/v3.8.2.32

General bug fix and improvement update. Requires Mantle 1.10.24.

Full changelog at https://github.com/SlimeKnights/TinkersConstruct/releases/tag/v3.8.1.16

Obligatory Alpha Warning

This build is an alpha. Alpha means things might break. Specific points:

  • We will do our best to prevent worlds from breaking, but make backups of worlds just in case.
  • Do not include this build in a modpack unless you plan to stick around on 1.19.2 long enough for us to get a stable release out. We don't want to constantly get reports of issues we have long since fixed because a modpack did not make a stable experience.
  • If you are an addon author, know we make no API stability guarantees until we make a beta. Check out the Roadmap for specifics on what we plan to change. Feel free to ask on our discord if you have any questions on updating.

For a full changelog, see the Github Changelog

See the 3.7.0 changelog for a more complete list of changes in the 3.7 update. This build is a hotfix to fix a critical crash related to bows.

  • Book tool pages now show the "extra requirements" for tool crafting alongside the tool parts
  • Fix powdered snow buckets deleting the bucket when dumping in a container
  • Fix a crash related to conditional stat modifiers on bows
  • Fix some missing generated textures for slime staff embellishments
  • Fix miscellaneous typos

by KnightMiner on Feb 28, 2024

This will be the last major content update for 1.18.2. From this point on we will be focusing on 1.19.2, though we may return to 1.18.2 for bugs and technical changes. Requires a Mantle update.

This update implements several new APIs for addons to use which replace some of the older APIs. The old APIs are left in place for 1.18 so no addon should break (make a bug report if one does), however 1.19 will ditch the old APIs.


  • Renamed "Attack Damage" to "Melee Damage" to make it more clear it does not affect arrows
  • Renamed "Projectile Damage" to "Projectile Power" as some new modifiers use the stat for non-damage reasons
  • Renamed "Harvest Tier" to "Mining Tier" as all melee stats started with "Melee", so it makes sense mining stats start with "Mining"
  • Excavators now apply the "bonk" particle on attack, from frypans in TiC 2
  • Pickadzes no longer get bane of sssss for free, and mattocks no longer get sticky. This was partly done as sticky is being removed, and partly as both tools do so many harvest things that the melee trait feels kinda tacked on.
  • Kamas once again start with tilling like they did in 1.16. This means either a mattock or a kama lets you till, giving a bit more flexability in getting that important modifier. If you manually added tilling to your kama, consider salvaging it using the modifier worktable
  • Gave skyslime, earthslime, and ichor staffs different ranged weapon stats.
  • Fix indestructible tools despawning after 10 minutes

Enderslime Staff

  • New staff variant made from enderslime crystals, nahuatl, and netherite. Repaired with nahuatl
  • Starts with reach 2, 3 upgrade slots, 1 defense slot, and 2 ability slots
  • Higher block amount than other staffs save earthslime staffs
  • Recipe may change as future content gets implemented


  • Emerald now grants a 50% repair bonus (sorta like the cultivated modifier)
  • Many ranged modifiers got the applicable tag adjusted to allow new modifiers to use the applicable modifiers. Some got broadened from BOWS to RANGED, some the opposite, and some special cased to allow staffs specifically.
  • Disallow applying a swappable modifier recipe (e.g. rebalanced) if that variant is already on the tool
  • Scope now works on crossbows and on staffs that are charging up
  • Bucketing now has the default priority, so you can reorder it more freely
  • Parrying on daggers now only works in the offhand, as it was providing undesirable results with dual wielding when used in the main hand
  • Fix tool belt salvage not having a max level
  • Fix too little fire protection on staffs and shields. The fire tick time reduction from fire protection requires modifying the vanilla enchantment, which is tied behind a config option just in case it breaks something.
  • Fix spilling effects not properly applying partial levels after level 1
  • Fix vanilla enchantments added via modifiers sometimes receiving arbitrarily inflated values on tools

Sling Modifiers

  • Added flinging, causes you to launch away from the targeted block (like earthslime slings)
  • Added springing, causes you to leap forward in the air (like skyslime sling)
  • Added bonking, causes the targeted mob to fly away (like ichor sling). On melee tools, bonking deals damage when targeting (like frypans in TiC 2)
  • Added warping, causes you to teleport forwards
  • All sling modifiers support using power and velocity to boost the distance, and can reduce draw time with quick draw
  • Flinging, springing, and bonking also are boosted by knockback, for when they are used on melee tools
  • In 1.19, slime slings will be removed in favor of these new modifiers.

Counter attack

  • Fiery and freezing now both work on armor as new counterattack effects
  • Freezing also works on melee tools now
  • Sticky is no longer craftable, will likely be removed in 1.19 as its just inferior freezing
  • Wetting now only applies if the damage is not blocked, notably meaning you won't consume fire resistance potions from fire damage if the effect is active.


  • Launches fluid from the tools tank as a projectile that behaves like llama spit
  • Projectile applies an effect to the target
  • Can be applied to any tool that interacts on right click (mostly melee weapons and staffs)
  • Higher levels launch more fluid like multishot
  • Staffs can receive power to boost the amount of fluid in each shot (which makes the effect stronger)
  • Staffs can also receive velocity to boost the speed and range, and drawspeed to fire faster
  • Staffs can receive punch to boost the knockback of the fluid


  • Can now be applied to longbows and crossbows to block while you charge up. Don't ask how you shoot straight from a sideways bow.
  • With tools that have modifiers that charge up (like sling modifiers or spitting), blocking can be applied to block as it charges.

Piercing rework

  • Costs pointed dripstone instead of cactus
  • Instead of dealing extra damage that ignores armor, now cancels 1 point of armor per level
  • Grants a flat melee damage boost of 0.5 per level
  • Reduced max level to 3; by combining vein hammers and bone that means a max of 9 levels
  • Renamed to pierce to better disambiguate from the vanilla enchantment
  • Thorns no longer grants piercing to unarmed attacks, unarmed uses the same pierce modifier as tools now.
  • Old behavior still exists under the ID tconstruct:piercing, with the new behavior under tconsturct:pierce. This also means old tools will still be using the old version of the modifier, you can use the modifier worktable to manually migrate if desired.


  • Added cheese, cast milk into a basin or ingot cast then wait several minutes for it to congeal. Can be used as a building block or eaten to restore a bit of hunger and remove a random status effect.
  • Made powdered snow a fluid so you can store it in tanks. May get a use in recipes in the future
  • Added tinted seared glass and tinted scorched glass, can be used to build a smeltery/foundry with windows without letting light through, because that might be useful
  • Added seared soul glass and scorched soul glass, can be used to build a smeltery/foundry but can also be walked though to make easy doors into the structure
  • Pistons now break seared tanks instead of being blocked, and dispensers can place seared tanks. Has some neat potential smeltery automation.
  • Fix scorched glass not being registered to its block entity properly. This could possibly cause issues breaking a foundry with a large window after a reload, however the lack of reports suggests that it somehow did not break anything?
  • Fix some recipes using tanks allowing filled tanks, causing the fluid to get consumed instead of the tank itself



  • Added icons to modifier pages in materials and you.

  • Moved travelers gear pages from materials and you to puny smelting.

  • Book sections on tools and modifiers now load pages based on item tags/modifier tags, meaning its possible for addons to add new pages to the books.

  • Presently supported sections include materials and you (small tools), puny smelting (upgrades and slotless modifiers), mighty smelting (broad tools, abilities and defense modifiers), tinkers gadgetry (slimestaffs), and the encyclopedia (all 3 tool types, armor, and all 4 modifier types). First 5 books also have an armor section that shows if the tag is filled (materials and you/mighty smelting are hidden by default).

  • Filtered the tool lists on many modifier pages to show only tools relevant to the topic for modifiers that have different effects based on tool type. For instance, fiery works differently on bows vs swords, so now the bow page displays just bows in the tool preview.

  • Modifier pages no longer show "missing modifier" if the modifiers recipe is removed, should make the book more usable if packs change recipes.

  • Fix many typos across the books and language, probably added some new ones


  • New Advancement: Netherite Tier - create a tool with the netherite harvest tier
  • New Advancement: Perfect Aim - create a bow with 1.0 accuracy
  • New Advancement: One Shot - create a melee weapon that does 21+ flat damage
  • Goal of these was mostly to test out some new datapack tool predicate features, will be useful in the loot modifier hook rework
  • Updated existing advancements with new materials and modifiers


  • Added support for Diet. Tasty now counts as eating Tinkers Construct bacon, while slurping fluids are all mapped to their related food item (with blood mapped to bottle o' blood and molten pig iron mapped to bacon).
  • Fix "large" cobalt ore veins averaging 4 blocks instead of 6 making cobalt slightly less common than it should be
  • Fix fluids tagged as water getting turned into water bottles (as the vanilla tags unfortunately do not represent water with mods)
  • Fix a crash with "School of Magic" which is entirely their fault (returning null from a vanilla nonnull method), but given its a trivial fix and that mod seems to be dead figured I might as well patch it
  • Fix multiple overlapping sounds when shift clicking in part builders or tinkers stations/anvils


  • Update Japanese translation (thanks koh-gh!)
  • Update Korean translation (thanks Sn0w0wl and gisellevonbingen!)
  • Update Ukrainian translation (thanks BetaCarotina!)
  • Update Chinese translation (thanks ChuijkYahus and Cactusstudent!)
  • Note that due to the timing of the translation updates and other book changes, even updated translations may still need some additional work. We are looking into a better way to process translations to make it easier to contribute and to get the updates faster.


  • You can now use overrides to add an existing material to a new stat type for the sprite generators.
  • Advanced tooltips now show material and modifier IDs for tools (though modifier IDs is locked behind config since its pretty bulky)
  • Migrated aqua affinity to the vanilla enchantment, the APIs that implemented it before are now deprecated for removal in 1.19
  • Starting modifier slots from the tool are now stored in volatile data instead of persistent data. This means they will automatically update if the datapack changes, and are guaranteed to be added to new tools no matter how they are created
  • To make the above change work without breaking old tools, the item stack NBT tic_persistent_data has been renamed to tic_persistent. This will automatically be migrated, but the semantics of the two are slightly different so it may be worth updating code that uses the name directly.
  • In recipes that support material variant inputs (e.g. composite casting), you can now use mod:name#default to match only mod:name with no variant (as mod:name ignores variants).
  • Diamond, Emerald, and Netherite no longer apply larger effects at higher levels. This was done as it makes the modifiers a bit more efficient and we never used the higher levels in the mod.
  • Skyslimes now use the modifier tag tconstruct:slime_defense to select protection modifiers that randomly appear on their helmets at higher difficulties.

Composable modifiers

  • New modifier serializer intended to replace almost all existing serializers
  • Instead of having a serializer per behavior, the composable serializer handles common properties and has a registry of modules that can be added
  • Modules can do things like add enchantments, add stats, add attributes, add modifier slots, etc.
  • Many conditional stat modifiers are migrated to this system by taking advantage of formulas and serve as examples until we get the documentation written. These are expressed in reverse polish notation, at this time whether we add a standard infix formula parser is undecided.
    • Formulas can take advantage of variables to give them more flexability. Loosely speaking, a variable is just an additional property from the world, tool, or other context included in the formula. Variables allows us to load those properties only for modifiers that need them.
    • We choose reverse polish notation as its much simpler to parse, and internally most infix formula parsers store the formula as reverse polish so we needed that logic anyways.
    • If you do not understand how to use it, feel free to ask for help on our discord.

Modifier modules

  • Many methods on Modifier have been migrated to the modifier module API
  • At this time the main thing unmigrated is the loot table hook, as I want to reconsider whether to just commit to global loot managers for that instead of java implementations.
  • This should make it easier to both combine modifier effects and migrate them to dynamic modifiers for flexibility

Modifier traits

  • Modifiers can now automatically add another modifier whenever they are applied
  • Main usecase is getting around technical restrictions for hardcoded modifier effects
  • Can also be used for dynamically added modifiers, such as from an Iguana Tinker Tweaks style random modifier kit

by KnightMiner on Apr 27, 2023


  • Make tool slot outline in containers more obvious
  • Velocity no longer increases inaccuracy of projectile weapons
  • Iron now uses magnetic as a trait instead of sturdy, experimental change
  • Fix a couple of dupe bugs related to stacked daggers
  • Fix possible duplication bug in the tool inventory container


  • Added Boundless: New ability modifier for shields to increase protection cap from 80% to more
  • Reduce all recipes using reinforcements to only cost 20 instead of 24
  • Revitalizing now has a cap of 5 on all pieces, use it wisely
  • Simplify fire protection, should be more consistent/reliable now
  • Make spilling cache concurrent to prevent possible crash
  • Prevent reflecting from letting you duplicate skeleton arrows
  • Make necrotic restore a flat 5% per level instead of the previous formula
  • Make sinistral take priority over punching with the crossbow
  • Stringly now can use string repair kits for repair
  • Cap knockback at 3
  • Cap severing at 3, and make luck boost the 5% per level to 6%, 7%, 8%, etc. instead of being a flat boost
  • Make zoom cheaper now to respect it being an upgrade
  • Nerf lightweight on bows a bit, that was way overtuned
  • Fix potential crash with reflecting and piercing arrows
  • Fix reflecting triggering when it shouldn't and ignoring higher levels
  • Fix reflecting not syncing projectile motion
  • Fix emptied tank daggers not stacking under some conditions
  • Fix sweeping edge at max level doing 1 more damage to edge targets than it should
  • Fix modifier icons not loading on some modpacks


  • Make seared and scorched ladders connect
  • Fix soup melting having too high melting time


  • Update JEI transfer support for modifier recipes
  • Prevent possible startup crash with tool color handlers
  • Remove outdated crafttweaker examples
  • General typo fixing
  • Fix some missing tags on slimy grass and ferns
  • Fix fancy frames allowing converting vanilla frames into fancy frames

This update has some of the last features needed for the mod to be called "complete". There are still plenty of things on the roadmap, but we have all the essentials in the mod now.



  • Shields are crafted like armor, with two variants
  • Shields have a block amount stat, which determines the maximum damage it can block. If an attack does more damage than the max, it is reduced by the stat.
  • Shields also have a block angle stat, determining how wide of an area they protect. It ranges from 0 to 180 degrees (180 degrees is vanilla shields)
  • Shields can receive armor, toughness, and knockback resistance. All three stats apply in either hand, even when not blocking


  • Shields can receive protection modifiers, which work identically to armor. This lets you further increase your protection amount to effectively protect against all 5 main damage types.
  • Shields can receive counterattack modifiers as upgrades. They only apply when blocking, but are twice as effective as on armor
  • Shields can receive interaction modifiers, which apply on left click like bows.
  • Shields can have their wood dyed and their metal embellished, to help them fit your armor set visuals
  • Shields can receive reflecting to deflect projectiles
  • Shields can receive wetting and spilling to apply fluids on hit

Travelers Shield

  • Crafted from copper and wood
  • Has 3 upgrade slots, 2 defense slots, and 1 ability slot
  • Blocks up to 10 damage per attack, with a block angle of 45 degrees
  • Allows the player to move at nearly full speed while blocking

Plate Shield

  • Crafted from cobalt and wood
  • Has 1 upgrade slot, 4 defense slots, and 1 ability slot
  • Blocks up to 100 damage per attack, with a block angle of 90 degrees
  • Starts with 2 toughness which applies even when not attacking

Blocking Modifier

  • Blocking is a modifier that can be applied to any held tool, enabling it to block like classic swords.
  • Most tools have a block amount off 5 with a block angle of 60 degrees

Parrying Modifier

  • Allows daggers to briefly block after attacking
  • Daggers block up to 10 damage at an angle of 60 degrees for about 2 seconds

Slime Staffs


  • Slime staffs are tools that do nothing. However, they start with at minimum 2 ability slots to make them do something
  • They are not melee tools, but do count as armor (meaning they can get an armor value from diamond, netherite, and alike)
  • They support interaction modifiers on both right click and left click. A worktable recipe lets you decide for each modifier where to use it


  • Slime Staffs can receive any existing interaction modifier, such as blocking, bucketing, pathing, or glowing
  • Slime Staffs given spilling use it on interaction, allowing you to apply spilling effects to a target without damaging it. When expanded, grants AOE spilling
  • Slime Staffs can also receive slurping, for applying effects to the player directly
  • Slime Staffs are "overslime friends", meaning they can receive overslime without penalty

Skyslime Staff

  • Made from skyroot, rose gold, and skyslime crystals
  • Starts with 5 upgrade slots and 2 ability slots

Earthslime Staff

  • Made from greenheart, cobalt, and earthslime crystals
  • Starts with 2 upgrade slots, 3 defense slots, and 2 ability slots

Ichor Staf

  • Made from bloodshroom, queens slime, and ichor crystals
  • Starts with 2 upgrade slots and 3 ability slots

Other tools

  • Disallow luck on chestplates. Too few people understood that it only worked on unarmed, which is a niche enough usecase that scrapping it in favor of clarity is good
  • General tools now support blocking as a modifier
  • Boots now support long fall to fully neutralize fall damage, requires feather falling IV.
  • Cleanup logic for respiration modifier
  • Wet sponges can now be used in modifier extraction when combined with enderslime crystals
  • Sweeping edge is now capped at 3 levels instead of 4
  • Fixed some weirdness with using modifier crystals and multi-level recipes such as luck and tool belt
  • Fix modifier crystals potentially breaking JEI on servers
  • Fix firing a bow with too little velocity deleting arrows
  • Fix "fast use item" (used by Tinkers' Things shortbow and the Traveler's Shield) causing super speed in some situations

Stackable Daggers

  • Daggers now stack to 2 when undamaged.
  • Crafting a dagger now yields 2 instead of 1.
  • While stacked, they cannot be used, but they can be modified; ideal for creating matched pairs of daggers as it provides a modifier discount.

Protection Rebalance

  • All conditional protection modifiers now grant 10% protection per level
  • Protection now grants a flat 5% per level, and is capped at 1 level per piece. This allows me to increase protection amounts without worrying you will go too high once you have draconic.

Rebalanced Modifier

  • This is not another rebalance, but rather a modifier called rebalanced.
  • Rebalanced grants +1 modifier slot, but you get to choose the type
  • All variants require gilded blackstone, or once you are late game dragon scales work just as well
  • To add +1 upgrade slot, you need to pay skyslime crystals and rose gold
  • To add +1 defense slot, you need to pay earthslime crystals and cobalt. This slot can be placed on most tools, taking advantage of the shield/staff defense slot mechanics
  • To add +1 ability slot, you need to pay ichor and queens slime. This also causes you to lose an upgrade slot.
  • If you try to apply rebalanced a second time, it will replace the original (no getting more than one slot from the modifier)


  • Add config option to suppress the invalid tool stack warning
  • Apply a hacky fix for Carry On wrongly firing a Forge event
  • Fix smeltery components not keeping textures when broken
  • Update Japanese Translation (thanks koh-gh)
  • Update Chinese Translation (thanks Cactusstudent and ChuijkYahus)


  • Added new recipe type for a modifier that has different slot requirements each level but the same inputs
  • Added improved API for modifiers that are used by charging the tool
  • Tool Definitions now support custom modules being registered to them, works similarly to modifier hooks
  • Update to latest Json Things, add ability to add staff like tools (used for shields)
  • Add scaled FOV modifier for FOV that scales with the slider
  • Added tool stat for movement penalty when using an item
  • Walking on snow is now controlled by a volatile flag instead of hardcoded into travelers boots
  • Tool crafting recipe now supports setting the tool output size and adding extra requirements beyond the parts

by KnightMiner on Jan 22, 2023


  • Armor with the golden modifier can now be repaired using gold
  • Travelers armor is now slightly stronger in unarmed combat

Tool Renaming

  • Tools can now be renamed once again
  • The Tinker Station allows naming any new tool
  • The Tinkers Anvil allows renaming a tool during any modification


  • Encyclopedia mention armor unarmed damage penalties under chestplates
  • Tinkers Gadgetry now has pages about the modifier worktable in its odd modifiers section


  • Fix Mantle dependency string
  • Fix plate armor embellishments showing a missing texture
  • Fix possible conflict with mods that construct item stacks before tags are loaded
  • Fix material modifier recipe builder using the wrong JSON key
  • Fix unarmed debuff only applying when ambidextrous. Note the way I had to fix this means any custom chestplates will need to apply the fix in the tool definition
  • Fix modifier extraction exploit involving incremental modifiers

by KnightMiner on Jan 19, 2023


  • Fix one more case of extra NBT. Just a warning now thanks to previous fix, found nicely using previous logger.
  • Note this bug no longer harms your game, but I would rather if it logs in the future to know its not me causing it


  • Fix the modifier material repair recipe adding extraneous NBT to items
  • Fix adding extraneous NBT to items once and for all. If it happens in the future, it will just log an error that does not affect gameplay instead


  • Added depth strider, works like the vanilla modifier
  • Make soul speed more consistent with vanilla
  • Crystalshots go ding instead of twing
  • Prevent enderporting arrows from teleporting you if the arrow is in another dimension
  • Bows, armor, and flint and brick now get luck instead of looting. Turns out giving them looting led to an accidental exploit with modifier slots
  • Merge tool and armor haste into one modifier
  • Merge tool and armor knockback into one modifier
  • Projectiles now ignite targets for longer at higher levels of fiery
  • Speedy now works on held tools, though is not craftable still
  • Fix insatiable not properly boosting ranged damage
  • Fix crash on removing tool belt

Modifier crystals

  • New item for applying a modifier without paying its standard item cost
  • Useful for modpack makers if they want to gift modifiers without them having other uses
  • Can be obtained by extracting enchantments from books or enchanted tools in the modifier worktable
  • Can also be obtained by extracting modifiers from a tool, as an end game version of modifier removal


  • Flint and brick now has 1 level of scorching
  • Mattocks now have sticky instead of knockback
  • Fix crossbows shooting fireworks too low
  • Fix longbow model holding the longbow at the wrong spot


  • Smeltery controllers, seared drains, seared ducts, and seared chutes all support crafting from any seared to get the texture
  • Foundry controllers, scorched drains, scorched ducts, and scorched chutes all support crafting from any scorched block texture
  • All of the above also have a 3D model now (which it turns out made it easier to implement the above feature)
  • There is a new config option if you wish to show just one variant of each in JEI, just like the tables or anvils


  • Slimy dirt can now be casted using liquid slime on dirt
  • Slimy dirt can now be blasted to produce slime crystals


  • Added bamboo to material master
  • Update abilities for ability advancement
  • Fix material master using the wrong variant of bronze


  • Remove square brackets from trick quiver selection notification
  • Rename weapon categories to melee
  • Mention bows in lightweight tooltip
  • Tool parts now use the tool format string for naming, so names need not be space separated
  • Fix grip stat tooltips being wrong
  • Fix impaling having the wrong tooltip
  • Fix wrong quick charge max level
  • Fix shield strap saying its an ability
  • Fix reference to slimeboots that should be a reference to bouncy

Data Packs

  • Stat boost modifier can now assign tool actions
  • Added tconstruct:fast_item_use volatile flag, will be used later for travelers shields
  • Added mob effect modifier, for a modifier that adds effects on melee, ranged, or armor counter
  • Added tags for making metal or slime based items embellishable more easily, and for dyeable armor
  • Added recipes for cobalt and enderslime embellishments, not any use in the base mod but useful for addons
  • Added config option for repair kit quality
  • Added recipe type for a material to repair tools with a modifier

JSON Things Compat

  • Can add tinkers items using JSON Things
  • Supports adding tool parts, repair kits, tools, bows, crossbows, and armor
  • More information can be found on our wiki


  • Added enchantment to modifier mapping. By default we support vanilla, Cyclic, Ensorcellation, and Wall Jump
  • Added modifier predicates, used in many recipes related to modifiers. Will likely migrate ModifierMatch to something similar in the future.
  • Worktable recipes now include additional context in some hooks
  • Add method to register crossbow item predicates
  • Fix typo in ID for repulsive
  • Change ID for the Worktable modifier tab to strongly encourage it to show after modifiers
  • Synchronize deferred registers, will hopefully reduce the chance an addon causes synchronous class loading making us drop a registry entry

Full Changelog: https://github.com/SlimeKnights/TinkersConstruct/compare/

by KnightMiner on Jan 19, 2023


  • Added depth strider, works like the vanilla modifier
  • Make soul speed more consistent with vanilla
  • Crystalshots go ding instead of twing
  • Prevent enderporting arrows from teleporting you if the arrow is in another dimension
  • Bows, armor, and flint and brick now get luck instead of looting. Turns out giving them looting led to an accidental exploit with modifier slots
  • Merge tool and armor haste into one modifier
  • Merge tool and armor knockback into one modifier
  • Projectiles now ignite targets for longer at higher levels of fiery
  • Speedy now works on held tools, though is not craftable still
  • Fix insatiable not properly boosting ranged damage
  • Fix crash on removing tool belt

Modifier crystals

  • New item for applying a modifier without paying its standard item cost
  • Useful for modpack makers if they want to gift modifiers without them having other uses
  • Can be obtained by extracting enchantments from books or enchanted tools in the modifier worktable
  • Can also be obtained by extracting modifiers from a tool, as an end game version of modifier removal


  • Flint and brick now has 1 level of scorching
  • Mattocks now have sticky instead of knockback
  • Fix crossbows shooting fireworks too low
  • Fix longbow model holding the longbow at the wrong spot


  • Smeltery controllers, seared drains, seared ducts, and seared chutes all support crafting from any seared to get the texture
  • Foundry controllers, scorched drains, scorched ducts, and scorched chutes all support crafting from any scorched block texture
  • All of the above also have a 3D model now (which it turns out made it easier to implement the above feature)
  • There is a new config option if you wish to show just one variant of each in JEI, just like the tables or anvils


  • Slimy dirt can now be casted using liquid slime on dirt
  • Slimy dirt can now be blasted to produce slime crystals


  • Added bamboo to material master
  • Update abilities for ability advancement
  • Fix material master using the wrong variant of bronze


  • Remove square brackets from trick quiver selection notification
  • Rename weapon categories to melee
  • Mention bows in lightweight tooltip
  • Tool parts now use the tool format string for naming, so names need not be space separated
  • Fix grip stat tooltips being wrong
  • Fix impaling having the wrong tooltip
  • Fix wrong quick charge max level
  • Fix shield strap saying its an ability
  • Fix reference to slimeboots that should be a reference to bouncy

Data Packs

  • Stat boost modifier can now assign tool actions
  • Added tconstruct:fast_item_use volatile flag, will be used later for travelers shields
  • Added mob effect modifier, for a modifier that adds effects on melee, ranged, or armor counter
  • Added tags for making metal or slime based items embellishable more easily, and for dyeable armor
  • Added recipes for cobalt and enderslime embellishments, not any use in the base mod but useful for addons
  • Added config option for repair kit quality
  • Added recipe type for a material to repair tools with a modifier

JSON Things Compat

  • Can add tinkers items using JSON Things
  • Supports adding tool parts, repair kits, tools, bows, crossbows, and armor
  • More information can be found on our wiki


  • Added enchantment to modifier mapping. By default we support vanilla, Cyclic, Ensorcellation, and Wall Jump
  • Added modifier predicates, used in many recipes related to modifiers. Will likely migrate ModifierMatch to something similar in the future.
  • Worktable recipes now include additional context in some hooks
  • Add method to register crossbow item predicates
  • Fix typo in ID for repulsive
  • Change ID for the Worktable modifier tab to strongly encourage it to show after modifiers
  • Synchronize deferred registers, will hopefully reduce the chance an addon causes synchronous class loading making us drop a registry entry

Full Changelog: https://github.com/SlimeKnights/TinkersConstruct/compare/

by KnightMiner on Dec 28, 2022

Final release for 1.6.4. Originally uploaded to CurseForge on May 8, 2014. Does not require Mantle, that did not exist until 1.7

For more information, see https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/tinkers-construct/files/2201640


by KnightMiner on Dec 28, 2022

Final 1.7.10 release from CurseForge. Originally uploaded January 23, 2016.

For more info, see https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/tinkers-construct/files/2264246

Final 1.12.2 release from CurseForge. Originally uploaded on May 15, 2020.

For more information, see https://github.com/SlimeKnights/TinkersConstruct/releases/tag/2.13.0

by KnightMiner on Dec 28, 2022

Final 1.16.5 release on CurseForge, originally uploaded on March 16, 2022.

For more info see https://github.com/SlimeKnights/TinkersConstruct/releases



  • Crossbows are the small variant, designed for high speed arrow launching and fireworks
  • Longbows are the large variant, designed for high damage projectiles
  • There are not modifiable arrows. You can use vanilla arrows, or arrows from other mods such as Archer's Paradox.


  • Bow materials are a distinct set of materials from melee/harvest materials. This means while there are many common materials, there are some unique bow materials and some unique melee/harvest materials.
    • Notably, there are no stone or osmium (compat) bows, while bows uniquely have access to bamboo and aluminum (compat)
    • In total, we have 18 bow materials, plus 5 bowstrings so far. Additional materials are planned.
    • We also have 12 compat bow materials which are enabled if a mod adds the relevant materal
  • Bow limbs affect bow durability, accuracy, drawspeed, and arrow velocity (which in turn affects damage)
  • Bow grips affect bow durability, melee attack damage, and accuracy
  • Bow limbs, grips, and bowstrings all add traits designed with ranged weapons in mind


  • Support all existing modifiers related to durability
  • Most right click interaction modifiers work on bows, but are activated on left click instead
  • Experienced and looting are both available, affecting monsters killed by arrows fired from this bow
  • Diamond boosts bow projectile damage, longbows can receive power to further boost projectile damage
  • Netherite boosts arrow velocity
  • Emerald boosts bow accuracy. Trueshot and blindshot increase or decrease accuracy further
  • All bows can receive fiery (flame), punch, freezing, piercing (not vanilla), impaling (piercing in vanilla), and necrotic to boost arrows
  • Bows can also receive multishot, crystalshot (infinity), and quivers
  • Crossbows can receive quickcharge to boost drawspeed and receive sinistral to allow better crossbow dual wielding
  • Longbows can receive scope to zoom in on the target

Modifier changes

  • Instead of lustrous (platinum) boosting mining speed of ores (which overlapped a lot with blasting or melting), it now causes ores to drop bonus nuggets
  • Zoom is now an upgrade, and can be applied to any tool that supports right click interaction to make it act like a spyglass
  • Soulbound now will keep armor and the offhand items in the same slot upon respawn
  • Fix deletion bug with shift clicking items into pockets or other inventory modifiers


  • Chestplates can now receive melee modifiers to boost left click attack without needing to apply unarmed. This means it only costs upgrade slots to have good left click damage
  • If you wish to punch with the offhand, you now apply the ambidextrous modifier, any tools that had unarmed applied before this update will automatically receive ambidextrous in its place


  • Smeltery detection logic has been improved to better work with future multiblocks. This shouldn't cause any broken smelteries, but may change the block marked as "invalid" during building
  • Pewter now is alloyed from tin +lead if tin is available, for compatibility with Alomancy. If no tin is available, it will continue to use iron + lead.
  • Allow casting potions and tipped arrows.
  • Fix stack size 1 slimy bottles not returning their bottles when drunk.

Books & Language

  • Guidebooks have all been updated with information on crossbows and longbows
  • Big thanks as usual to Shiny for helping keep the books up to date
  • Fix various typos and inaccuracies from older content
  • Update Japanese Translation (thanks TwelveYO21)
  • Update Chinese Translation (thanks Cactusstudent and ChuijkYahus)
  • Add a new translation key for the format of a tool name, to allow languages to change the separator or switch the order of the words if desired


  • Tools in JEI now show variants for binding only materials
  • Fix tools in modifier recipes not showing the focused tool (showing all valid tools instead)
  • Fix usage on a slimeskull not showing valid modifiers


  • Slimy ferns and saplings can now be placed in flower pots
  • Fix free sponge when removing modifiers using venom
  • Fix occasional loss of sponge when using wet sponge to remove modifiers
  • Fix AOE block breaking not spawning particles for all the blocks
  • Fix item deletion when using a bundle to take items out of the crafting station
  • Fix various crashes and otherwise unwelcome behavior when opening our UIs in spectator mode. Please let us know if any blocks do not work as expected.
  • Fix modifier log missing texture config being ignored.

API & Internal

Rework modifier priority

  • Modifiers with the same priority now fallback to the order they were added.
  • As a result of this change, tools that have internal modifiers like tilling now use the craftable one instead as the new modifier overrides it
  • Many internal modifiers will also show in the tooltip now instead of being hidden
  • You can use the modifier worktable to resort modifiers to choose which modifiers act
  • Some modifier priorities may need to be adjusted as part of this change for those that should have consistent behavior
  • Firestarter modifier now exposes the light_fire tool action. If you make a mod that adds extra behavior to flint and steel, check for that tool action for tinkers compatability. If you do not know how tool actions work, ask on our discord.
  • Added block transform modifier hook for addons wishing to add modifiers that run post block transform

Modifier hooks

  • New mergable system for modifier functions
  • Use registerHooks to implement the hooks on a modifier
  • In the future, will make it easier to write JSON modifiers as we migrate existing hooks
  • Currently, all hooks using the old system have been migrated, as well as various new methods
  • Pay attention to deprecations on methods to keep track of what has been migrated
  • Implement hook fired post block transform (thanks Pyre540)

Stat type fallbacks

  • Trait JSON now supports two custom internal types, tconstruct:melee_harvest and tconstruct:ranged which act as a fallback for any stat types in that group.
  • If a stat is missing a specific trait set, it will try the fallback before the default traits.
  • Addons can register their own fallbacks for custom stat types they add

Left click modifiers

  • Bows and longbows support running modifiers on left click
  • Any interactions that require holding down right click cannot be used on left click, but most other modifiers can be implemented
  • You likely will want to migrate any existing interaction modifiers to the new hooks to get support

Tool tags

  • Deprecated one handed and two handed, that system while nice in theory ended up being too cumbersome
  • Added interactable left, interactable right, and interactable armor for the three types of tools that can run interaction hooks. The hooks also now pass a parameter for the type. By default, anything using the deprecated one handed or two handed tags are added to interactable right
  • Added ranged tags for bows, longbows, and crossbows

Project members








Licensed MIT
Published 2 years ago
Updated 14 days ago